Sunshine Sullivan, PhD – President (2022-2024)

Sunshine R. Sullivan, PhD is an elementary Special Education Teacher at Newberg Public Schools as well as an Adjunct Professor at Houghton University. She teaches literacy courses at the graduate level. Sunshine is collaboratively exploring practices for living and teaching well within and for God's Creation. She also co-facilitates the Teaching & Writing With Video project. This work centers around the professional learning communities around digital literacies with teachers and students in the rural southern tier of Western New York.
Sunshine’s first ICCTE Conference was at Regent University in 2006. She also serves as the Communication Coordinator for the ICCTE Board.
Bill Boerman-Cornell, PhD – Past-President (2022-2024)
Bill is a Professor at Trinity Christian College in the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois where he teaches courses in literacy, children’s literature, and fine arts in the classroom. His research interests include high school literacy within the disciplines and the affordances and constraints of using graphic novels in high school teaching. He has also been involved in initiatives encouraging Christian urban education. Bill has authored two books: Graphic Novels in High School and Middle School Classrooms and Graphic Novels in the English Language Classroom.
Bill’s first ICCTE Conference was at Azusa Pacific University in 2012.
Christina Belcher – President-Elect (2022-2024)

Christina serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Education at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Previously, she has served in Higher Education at Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C., and education faculties in Australia and New Zealand. Her teaching and research interests include worldview, higher education and children’s literature. She has been involved in ICCTE since 2000 and served as the associate editor of the ICCTE Journal prior to assuming the editorship in 2010, and ending her term in as editor in 2015. She is a confessed ‘bookaholic’ and loves to read! Christina considers working with ICCTE to be an honor, joy and privilege as part of the quest to bring the biblical virtues of wonder, truth, justice and reconciliation into the Educational landscape.
Randy King – Treasurer (ongoing position)

Randy serves as a professor at George Fox University, responsible for teaching in the Adult Degree Program’s elementary education program. He is also active outside the classroom, serving as a facilitator on Powellhurst’s building leadership team (2016-present), as a member of the district’s math leadership team and assessment team (2016-17), and as a building leadership team rep at Gilbert Park (2014-16).
Nancy Cherry – Secretary (2018-2024)

Nancy Cherry serves as Associate Dean & Chair in the School of Education: Teaching & Learning and Director of Graduate Programs at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. As a former classroom teacher for fifteen years in public school, she now teaches in the undergraduate teacher education program, as well as graduate programs. Nancy has been teaching in higher education for seventeen years. Her current teaching responsibilities include coursework related to Literacy in Diverse Classrooms, Curriculum and Instruction, and Leading the Learning Environment. She is dedicated to transformational teaching designed to change the learner academically, socially, and spiritually. Nancy attended her first ICCTE meeting in California as a workshop presenter and has remained connected with the community. Nancy looks forward to becoming more involved with the community to collaborate on current issues and trends in Christian higher education within a worldview context.
Sean Schat – ICCTE Journal Editor (ongoing position)

Sean is an assistant professor of education at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Prior to starting his work in post-secondary education, Sean worked for 17 years as an elementary and secondary classroom teacher and educational leader (principal, vice-principal, director of staff development). Sean’s Masters research focused on Christian educational leadership. More recently, Sean’s PhD research focused on the communication of educational care. Sean attended his first ICCTE conference in 2014, and has been involved with the ICCTE since that time. He currently serves as the ICCTE Journal editor.
Beverley Norsworthy – International Member At-Large (2018-2024)

Bev is currently Deputy Dean at Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI). She has experience as a principal of Christian schools in Australia and New Zealand and in 1993 became the founding principal of MASTERS Institute, a Christian Teachers College in Auckland. In 2001 she moved to BTI where her current teaching is related to the intersection of Being Christian, Being Professional and research as an expression of God’s redemptive plan. Her research interests include Christian Education, Reflective Practice, Pedagogy and Assessment. She is particularly interested in Visual Research Methodology and Photo Elicitation in particular. She thoroughly enjoys supervising masters students in their thesis journey. Bev has attended several ICCTE conferences and is an experienced regular reviewer for the ICCTE journal. As an at-large board member her vision is to encourage teacher educators in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific to be part of this ICCTE community.
Matthew Etherington – Member At-Large (2021-2022)

Matthew achieved his Ph.D. in the philosophy of education from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia while completing doctoral research at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). He is presently a Professor in the School of Education at Trinity Western University, British Columbia, Canada. Matthew is the Director of the "Institute of Indigenous Issues and Perspectives (IIIP). His primary interests are in epistemology, Indigenous pedagogy, and philosophy of education. Matthew is the director of the Institute of Indigenous Issues and Perspectives, Secretary in the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada, and Honorary Research Associate at Morling College, Sydney, Australia
Matthew has published four books, Changing Careers to Become a Teacher: A Study of Mature Age Preservice Teachers in Career Transition and Foundations of Education: A Christian Vision (editor and author); What Teachers Need to Know: Topics of Inclusion (editor and author) and Perspectives of Work: Cambridge scholars Press. He writes on a diversity of topics in education and spirituality using a philosophical lens for analysis.
Dave Klanderman – Member At-Large (2021- 2024)

Dave Klanderman has served as professor of mathematics education at Calvin University since 2018. Prior to his arrival at Calvin, he served as a professor of mathematics at Trinity Christian College for 28 years. He currently serves on the board of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, and his term as president ended in June 2021. His current research projects include a co-authored book on using graphic novels in the teaching and learning of the STEM disciplines at the middle school, high school, and university levels. He has also co-authored A Pleasure to Measure, a book of elementary school learning activities for measurement. Other recent research includes a study of factors that motivate middle school, high school, and university students to learn mathematics, an exploration of faith-influenced pedagogical strategies for the STEM disciplines, and an exploration of higher dimensional thinking in the Harry Potter novels.
Jeff Peck, PhD – Member At-Large (2018- 2024)

Jeff is a Professor in the School of Education at Grace College in Winona Lake, IN, where he has been a faculty member since 2008. Previously he worked at another college in Indiana, and universities in Ohio and North Carolina. He began his career teaching 5th and 6th grades at schools in Arkansas and Ohio. His current undergraduate teaching responsibilities include Child Development, Secondary General Methods, and Multicultural Education courses. He has recently helped start a campus group for Male Education majors called eXcellent Male Educators Needed (XMEN). Jeff’s first ICCTE meeting was at George Fox University in 2004, and he has attended each conference since 2014.
Ellen Ballock – 2024 Conference Co-Chair

Ellen is passionate about Gordon's School of Education’s mission to prepare teachers, school leaders, and speech-language pathology assistants for making an impact on the individuals, communities, and systems they serve. She is regularly engaged with strategic process-oriented work, whether that be designing curriculum and instruction, using assessment data for continuous improvement, or structuring collaborative professional development. Her specific research interests include professional learning communities, teacher “noticing” and decision-making, collaboration, and teacher driven continuous improvement.
Julia D'Onofrio – 2024 Conference Co-Chair

Julia D'Onofrio enjoyed teaching in an early childhood classroom for a number of years in the city of Lynn before moving on to work as the Director of Student Services at North Shore Christian School. This position enabled Julia to work with students from Pre-K through Eighth Grade, specifically students with special needs. Julia also has experience as a Reading Specialist, and brings a passion for teaching reading and English Language Learners.