The ICCTE Journal is the scholarly journal of the organization. The Journal is located here
The Journal is published twice a year and accepts manuscripts at any time.
ICCTE Journal News:
Sean Schat, Editor of the ICCTE Journal confirmed the members of the Editorial Board.
Christina Belcher is Book Review Editor.
Other members are: Karen Dieleman, Doug Needham, and Michelle Shockness.
The Fall 2024 issue is a theme issue focused on “Transformative Care,” guest-edited by Paul Shotsberger and Cathy Freytag. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2024. You can review the Call for Papers at https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/icctej/news.html.
If you are interested in reviewing articles, please contact Sean Schat at sschat@redeemer.ca
Policy: ICCTE does not accept books, curriculum, or other published material to endorse or promote. Instead we encourage authors to contact the editors of the ICCTE Journal about submitting a copy of their work for a possible review.